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Tracy, S. (2010) Qualitative Quality: Eight “Big-Tent”. Criteria for Excellent Qualitative Research, vol. 16(10), pp.837-851 criteria, quite simply, are useful. Rules and guidelines help us…

Bowen, G. (2009) Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, vol. 9(2), pp.27-40. Document analysis is a systematic procedure for reviewing or…

Cousin, G. (2008) Case Study Research. In: Cousin, G. Researching Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction to Contemporary Methods and Approaches, pp.131-149. London: Routledge. This…

Cousin, G. (2008) Semi-Structured Interviews. In: Cousin, G. Researching Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction to Contemporary Methods and Approaches, pp.71-93. London: Routledge. Semi-structured interviews…

Research question is a process on itself Demonstrate knowledge through engagement with literature Literature Review in my Workflow: folders for PDFs, summaries for each source…