Rowell, C. (2022) What is Critical Digital Pedagogy?. Totallyrewired, 6 April. Available at: https://totallyrewired.wordpress.com/2022/04/06/what-is-critical-digital-pedagogy/ [Accessed 20 April 2022]. Simple overview A process of teaching and…

I am a naturally empatic person, so I found this text incredibly insightful. It allowed me to mirror my own experiences to the cases shared…

Hardie, K. (2015) Innovative Pedagogies Series: Wow: The power of objects in object-based learning and teaching. Heslington: Higher Education Academy ‘As Bonwell (n.d.) identifies “active…

History of education collections: 19th Century: aesthetic appreciation a learnt experience Objects to inspire generations of makers Japanese prints, German posters, textiles, manuscripts, etc 1970s…