Cousin, G. (2008) Semi-Structured Interviews. In: Cousin, G. Researching Learning in Higher Education: An Introduction to Contemporary Methods and Approaches, pp.71-93. London: Routledge. Semi-structured interviews…

Gillborn, D. (2019) Hiding in Plain Sight: Understanding and Addressing Whiteness and Color-Blind Ideology in Education. [Online] Kappa Delta Pi Record. Vol.55(3), pp.112-117. Available at:…

Not a very useful article, I’m afraid… Manohar, N. et al. (2017) Researcher Positionality in Cross-Cultural and Sensitive Research. In: Liamputtong, P. (ed.) Handbook of…

Smyth, J. (2011) Critical Pedagogy for Social Justice. [Online]London: Bloomsbury Academic & Professional. Available at: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ual/reader.action?docID=797502&ppg=5 [Accessed 26 July 2022]. in order to get people…

hooks, b. (1994) Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. Abingdon: Routledge. In his work Thich Nhat Hanh always speaks of the teacher…

In this document, where appropriate, we will refer to those communities associated with the terms and acronyms Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) or Black, Asian…

Hahn Tapper, A. (2013) A Pedagogy of Social Justice Education: Social Identity, Theory, Intersectionality and Empowerment. Conflict Resolution Quaterly. 30(4), pp.411-417. But what is social…

Modood, T. & Calhoun, C. (2015) Religion in Britain: Challenges for Higher Education. London: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education Religion, the public sphere and higher…