Session: Workshop 2

Session: Workshop 2

Research question is a process on itself

Demonstrate knowledge through engagement with literature

Literature Review in my Workflow: folders for PDFs, summaries for each source

politics of citation: I would describe citation as a rather successful reproductive technology, a way of reproducing the world around certain bodies

The reproduction of a discipline can be the reproduction of these techniques of selection, ways of making certain bodies and thematics core to the discipline, and others not even part.

Even when feminists cite each other, there is still a tendency to frame our own work in relation to a male intellectual tradition.

screening techniques: how certain bodies take up spaces by screening out the existence of others. If you are screened out (by virtue of the body you have) then you simply do not even appear or register to others. 

On Being Included: Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life.

When you realise that the apparently open spaces of academic gatherings are restricted, you notice the restriction: you also notice how those restrictions are either kept out of view or defended if they come into view. 

Note here how the gesture of inclusion, which is also a promise of inclusion, can be offered in a way that negates a point about exclusion. To suggest incorporation as potential (come along as you can come along) blocks an acknowledgement that the open call was restricted as a call.

When criticality becomes an ego ideal, it can participate in not seeing complicity.

critical white subjects by seeing their whiteness, might not see themselves as participating in whiteness in the same way.

in the landscape of contemporary critical theory there is a sense – sometimes spoken, sometimes not – that we need to “get beyond” categories like gender and race: as if the categories themselves have restricted our understanding; as if the categories themselves are the blockage points. 

Hegel or Spinoza provides a kind of metaphysics that helps us move beyond current blockages in thought.

the hope invested in “new terms” can mean turning away from social restrictions and blockages by identifying restriction and blockages with the “old terms” that we need to move beyond.

sexism and racism are not incidental but structural, and thus to understand sexism and racism, requires better, closer readings of what is being gathered. Attending to the restrictions in the apparently open spaces of a social world brings us into closer proximity to an actual world.

Could my resource be a reading list comprising only critical race theory and marginalised authors?

An authority is a knowledgeable person or source whose word is trustworthy, reliable, dependable, valid, sound, well-founded. An author is the one who writes confidently about what they know.

an authoritative writer leads and guides the reader. They are also an authority, and they have authority which readers recognise.

authority is signalled in an academic text is via citation. The ways in which we deal with other people’s words and works demonstrates the degree to which we assert our command of the literatures and show that our reading and interpretations are sound and believable.

One way to begin writing a paper is to use a ‘tiny text’ (Kamler and Thomson 2014). citation(1)=writer steers.

Kamler and Thomson (2014) advocate the use of a ‘tiny text’ as a way to begin writing a paper. citation(2)=writer reports.

The first of these citation approaches, steering, communicates an authoritative approach to the literatures. The second reporting does not. 

citation(1)=writer steers paragraph reads more easily as the writers of cited works don’t get in the way. It reads more authoritatively than the citation(2)=writer reports

What is the ratio of citation (1)=writer steers to citation 2)=writer reports?

Is the balance of citation approaches appropriate to the work of the text – is this a more general interpretation or are the citations highly sigificant and specific to the work at hand?

Are all of those citation(2)=writer reports necessary?

How many of them can be changed to citation (1)=writer steers without losing meaning?

Does changing from citation (2)=writer reports to citation (1)=writer steers make the text read more easily (flow) and read authoritatively?


Tools for Data Collection:

  1. Peer interview: in person with 3 colleagues active in transnational fashion research
    1. How do you research transcultural fashions?
    1. What are the challenges you face when researching transcultural fashions?
    1. What tools/resources help you overcome these challenges?
    1. What are the usual pitfalls/shortcomings in our students’ research of transcultural fashion?
    1. Could you share any case studies of good practice? How are they good practice?
  • Focus group with BA FHT Year 1 students: 1h in person
    • Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a transcultural artefact (Macedonian waistcoat; Kaiapó earrings; Ebony magazine; Rahemur Rahman jacket)
    • In groups, ask the students to consider how they would research that artefact (10min)
    • Share ideas with the wider group (10min)
    • In groups, ask the students to consider the challenges in researching that artefact (10min)
    • Discuss with the wider group (10min)
    • In groups, consider how we could we creatively overcome these challenges. (10min)
    • Share ideas with the wider group (10min)

Ethics/power structures of working with the students – mutual beneficial. Already running research workshops with the students as part of their timetable

  • Recording of FACE Race Summit 2022
    • Session 2 Panel 1: Can White Educators Decolonise Fashion Education?

Time and work management: