Session: Visualising practices
One of the best sessions so far!
Great use of graphics, drawing and diagrams for a presentation!
Great interaction tool – drawing on the slides!
- More welcoming and kinder than forcing people to voice their comments
Practical method to constantly reflect on our own practices – who? what? why? how?

I teach fashion histories in order to inspire criticality. I am making lectures, using presentations and discussion based workshops. My lectures aim to explore how we came to this point, what voices have been left out and why, and how we can inform/contextualise our practices for change. So that we might have a better, just and inclusive fashion.
- Timothy Morton Being Ecological
- Elizabeth Cripps What Climate Justice Means
- Roman Krzamic The Good Ancestor
- Stefanie Wakefield Anthropocene Back Loop
- Daniel Wahl Designing Regenerative Cultures
- Boaventura de Souza Santos The End of Cognitive Empire
- bell hooks Teaching Critical Thinking
- Audre Lorde The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House
Becoming always vigilant for the smallest opportunity to make a genuine change
Audre Lorde