Session: Microteaching object-based learning
- Piece of camera film, 36 exposures
- 35mm
- It’s made of celluloid, early type of plastic sensitive to light
- First medium to capture image in motion
- Illusion of movement
- Separation of sound and image in the film
- Illusion of sound
- 24 frames per second
- Lev Kuleshov’s experiments
- Good choice of object for online
- Assumed knowledge of the class
- Questions and prompts accessible during the exercise (available in different places)
- Start with object
- Dynamism, confidence
- Apology x honesty
- Hunter Bruggemann: It is so great to see you not use any supporting visual aids such as ppt or others. I was wondering if there could have been scope to add additional suggested readings or references etc if we want to go deeper (esp. contemporary research re: decolonizing/inclusive fashion).
- Guided but not led – allow the class to develop their own session
- Questions to prompt deconstruction of meaning
- Triggered challenging discussions in a supportive way
- Emotional, playful and sensitive
- Well mediated digital media (padlet, gifs, films) – careful with assumptions of digital equity
- https://padlet.com/knevett1/uvkabluf5lnwincj
- https://padlet.com/knevett1/tbcr95c3gwmhzzuv
- Representation of object (film and photo) shared online (screen) – too many filters?
- Introduction of content – trigger warnings at the start
- Comfort in silent moments
- Started with theory, but lots of breaks and change in activities – great pace!
- Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOP0vlPI=/?invite_link_id=132059249408
- Communication through image
- Outline session & Learning Outcomes – very clear
- Encouraging and flexible
- Different ways of seeing in order to engage with different techniques
- Very clear guidance to using Miro
- Interesting reflection on communication methods
- Additional reading and space to add more
- Deconstructed slides in an interactive format
- Agency to go back and forth
- Silence and pauses
- Amateur in creation – surrender ego/expectations to play
- Play gives more nuance to the process
- Liberating online – no comparisons
- Change of pace – keep engagement levels
- Play exhibition at the Wellcome Collection
- Great session!!
- Description of object: Yellow cardboard box, rectangular, image of Kodak carousel and descriptive text on the cover. Plastic, empty carousel with clear plastic lid. Used for slide projection.
- More visual examples for the different case studies
- Could have been a research task/activity – more agency for the learner
- More time to hear others personal experiences
- Accessibility of slides – colours, fonts, creativity