Session: Workshop 1
PG Cert veterans: great people to keep around (experience, knowledge, feedback)
Reflecting on our experience of being a student again: different positionality
Critical friendship: peer to peer critique
Master craftsmanship: reciprocal reflection
- Self-reflection > reciprocal reflection > knowledge production
- Ethical dilemma in teaching
- Conscious of the instinctive elements of practice
Object-based learning: https://libsearch.arts.ac.uk/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=1477183&query_desc=kw%2Cwrdl%3A%20object%20based%20learning
Innovative design (away from screen), interactivity, and new ways of teaching/learning
- Semantic and embodied engagement to learning: listening, encountering and noticing
- AEM and Attainment: https://www.arts.ac.uk/about-ual/teaching-and-learning-exchange/aem-and-attainment
- Who the students are and how they learn? Different methodologies and choice of learning
- Links to reciprocal reflection
- Example of object-based learning
Exposing something to someone, while exposing someone to something
- Object-based learning through experience
- Student-led learning through objects
- Accessibility: neuro-diverse learning
- Relation: participants, guided reflections, ethnicity
- Community: shared knowledge, co-produced new meanings
- People-object-space
- Signifier: critical thinking (context around the object)
- https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ976653.pdf
- Learning and unlearning: removing the hierarchies in the learning space, levelling the playing field
- Everyday experience as learning
- Silent transformation
- Human and non-human relationship: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/matters-of-care
Indigenous ways of knowing
- Who has the power when one loses the opportunity of learning/access to knowledge?
- Loss of tangible and intangible heritage as political
- Agency over materials: how they are used, by whom, what is their legacy/afterlife?
- Experience of the body through the body
- hunterbrueggemannpgert.myblog.arts.ac.uk
- Technology: how to express our stories without a colonial filter/influence
- Spaces where difficult conversations can take place
- Different media for teaching (beyond PowerPoint!)
- Facilitation class
- Museums for indigenous communities are graveyards: how to radically change the museum practice?
- Decolonialising the curriculum is a metaphor: decoloniality absorbed by colonial institution loses its meaning/action
- Commodification of terminology: awareness in vocabulary
- commonnotions.org/the-red-deal
- Written word as a powerful political process
- Friction to create safe spaces
- Slow process of learning
- Visibility of the process: livestream writing practice
As a privileged white person, how do I engage with change in a meaningful way (the drive is there, but the action?
- Constructivist
- Collaborative
- Integrative
- Reflective
- Inquiry-based learning
- What’s my teaching style?
- Tacit learning through doing
- Spaces for everyone to participate
Teaching to Transgress: feminist thinking, working collaboratively
- Acceptance of criticism
- Radical pedagogy
- Racialisation of languages
- Changes of position throughout research: how to record them?
- Lens to how we approach learning and teaching: child’s eyes
Decolonizing the Curriculum?
- Emotion in teaching/classroom
- Lived experience
- Plurality
- Emotional home of our work: building emotional intelligence with participants
- Lessons from the nightlife
- Frictions between personal politics, values and morals x institution’s agenda
- Critical positionality
Learning a new skill
- Pedagogy of ambiguity: not being good or bad
- Standards and metrics based on the binary of success-failure
- Ambivalence-as- emancipation or ambiguity as laziness?
- Slow practice: Slow Professor
- static1.squarespace.com/static/5b9a68522487fda3e9197866/t/5bb119d024a6948a757a5349/1538333139352/GLAD-book-artwork3.pdf
- medium.com/@bareminimum/the-bare-minimum-manifesto-bfedbbc9dd71
- The Amateur by Andy Merrifield: creative play
Stuart Hall Library: iniva.org/library
Reading Collections: the African-Caribbean, Asian and African Art in Britain Archive reading group
- sparkjournal.arts.ac.uk/index.php/spark/article/view/127
- Non-hierarchical learning centre
- instagram.com/ualtruth
- Trinh T. Minh-ha, Reassemblage (1982)
- Archives and catalogues: how to challenge the inherent problematics
- Alternative outputs: creative
- arts.ac.uk/ual-decolonising-arts-institute
- Challenge through non-linear and non-hierarchical
- Importance of our personal practice: embodied in the work we do
Your notes are so thorough. Putting me very much to shame here!
Ha! I’m a compulsive note take, if I don’t write down, it’s as if it didn’t happen… But most of the time the notes don’t mean anything, it’s the process really. You’re always welcome to use them though 🙂